Supported by its sister company, Cariboo Carbon Solutions, DTEC is developing a number of high co-benefit AR projects with the Yunesit’in First Nation of the Chilcotin Plateau in central British Columbia.

DTEC is presenting these opportunities as pilots that could be replicated with other First Nation Traditional Territories in BC and elsewhere in Canada

Plans in development or under discussion:

  • A community wildfire interface fuel break afforestation reforestation project adjacent to the village.
  • Restoration of a fire-destroyed Old Growth Management Area within the Yunesit’in Caretaker Area.
  • Restoration of fire destroyed riparian sites.
  • Assisting Cariboo Carbon Solutions and the Yunesit’in First Nation in negotiating an Atmospheric Benefits Agreement with the Province that would recognize the ownership of carbon rights by the Yunesit’in First Nation. DTEC is presenting these opportunities as pilots that could be replicated with other First Nation Traditional Territories in BC and elsewhere in Canada.