Lifting communities by sinking carbon

Cooling the planet by empowering vulnerable peoples

Down to Earth Carbon Ltd (DTEC) and it’s sister company, Carbone Terre a Terre is working alongside smallholder farmers and Indigenous peoples on degraded land restoration and wildfire restoration projects that will pull hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon from the atmosphere each year, while creating a host of non carbon co benefits that offer a much higher level of community resilience to climate change.

DTEC is playing a major role in designing and launching game-changing atmospheric decarbonation ‘living laboratory’ pilots in key geographies.


Strategic Goals


In selecting core Afforestation Reforestation (AR) pilot types, the following core criteria are considered. Down to Earth Carbon (DTEC) is targeting AR activity types that:


  • Are within DTEC’s core delivery capacity and reach in relation to both forest carbon project development and implementation/buildout capacities.

  • Are geographically-centered where key partners have been active doing socially-responsible and innovative resource stewardship for decades, with a particular focus on collaboration with indigenous peoples.

  • Are able to benefit from the strong existing working relationships of trust with key stakeholders within these key geographies.

  • Are able to address critical climate emergency challenges and mitigation opportunities within the key geographies and globally.

  • Are technically and financially feasible and with a high level of permanence.

  • Are scalable.

  • Have a strong foundation of social responsibility in the way projects are launched and governed, as well as how costs and revenues are shared.

  • Have the potential to play a key part in reconciliation with First Nation/indigenous peoples.

  • Have the potential to reduce the risk of major future losses in forest carbon stocks and other important non carbon values on adjacent forests.