Project Types

Guided by Down to Earth Carbon (DTEC) Core principles, the following 5 types of Afforestation/Reforestation (AR) projects have been selected for DTEC early-action piloting:

  • AR projects on agricultural land which Indigenous or smallholder farmers own or have leasing and climate benefit sharing agreements.

  • AR projects on wildfire-destroyed and non-naturally regenerating lands owned by Indigenous governments (IR and treaty/settlement lands) or where Indigenous governments are recognized caretakers and have carbon rights.

  • AR projects on non-forest lands where carbon rights have been transferred to caretaker First Nations. For example, in British Columbia Canada, carbon rights have been so transferred via Atmospheric Benefit Sharing Agreements.

  • AR restoration of Senescent Riparian Forest Areas on Indigenous land as well as municipal/regional/federal lands.

  • AR restoration of industrially degraded non-forest lands and transportation corridors. Eg. Gravel pits and seismic lines.


Down To Earth Carbon (DTEC) puts major emphasis on creating strong and ethical alliances with our community partners, starting from the early planning stages.


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DTEC is poised to play a major role in building a game-changing model through large ‘living laboratory’ pilots in key geographies.


In selecting core Afforestation Reforestation (AR) pilot types, the following core criteria are considered. Down to Earth Carbon (DTEC) is targeting AR activity types that:


  • Are within DTEC’s core delivery capacity and reach in relation to both forest carbon project development and implementation/buildout capacities.

  • Are geographically-centered where key partners have been active doing socially-responsible and innovative resource stewardship for decades, with a particular focus on collaboration with indigenous peoples.

  • Are able to benefit from the strong existing working relationships of trust with key stakeholders within these key geographies.

  • Are able to address critical climate emergency challenges and mitigation opportunities within the key geographies and globally.

  • Are technically and financially feasible and with a high level of permanence.

  • Are scalable.

  • Have a strong foundation of social responsibility in the way projects are launched and governed, as well as how costs and revenues are shared.

  • Have the potential to play a key part in reconciliation with First Nation/indigenous peoples.

  • Have the potential to reduce the risk of major future losses in forest carbon stocks and other important non carbon values on adjacent forests.


Strategic Goals

  • Integration of small holder farmers Indigenous communities and industrial supply chains to accelerate GHG drawdown to scale into resilient agroforestry systems.

  • Enhanced resilience for climate change vulnerable smallholder farming and Indigenous communities via their leadership in degraded land restoration.

  • Enhanced pathways for reconciliation ( for Indigenous and non Indigenous peoples).

  • A high level of social and biophysical permanence of forest climate outcomes.

  • Enhancement and facilitation of regenerative agriculture pilots.

  • Demonstrations of impact Afforestation and Reforestation being cost effective ways of drawing down dangerous excess atmospheric carbon to scale to meet UNFCCC targets of staying below +1.5C.

Meet Our Team

Down to Earth Carbon (DTEC) combines the formidable talents of two masters of their respective disciplines – international strategic partnership and common-sense project management. Joining them in 2022, an operations manager who combines those specialties.

Tony Harrison
Tony Harrison


Tony is a senior partner of Zanzibar Holdings and Cariboo Carbon Solutions, and Senior Project Manager of both. He has administered silviculture projects for the last 41 years and is a registered Project Management Professional. Tony’s strengths are his communication skills, organizational abilities, financial management and adherence to project plans. Tony’s management of Forest Carbon Initiative’s BC-based projects over the past 4 years demonstrates his ability to manage an array of sub-projects, partners, clients and compliance agencies.

John Kendall
John Kendall


John is a Registered Professional Forester specializing in the development and application of climate adaptation protocols related to land use and forestry. The forest-based projects he developed have so far reduced or removed over 3 million TCO2e. Important co-benefits of these projects include improvements in ecosystem function and increased biodiversity, as well as major social benefits such as enhancing Indigenous cultural values and promoting more resilient rural communities by providing sustainable infrastructure.

Sebastien Chenard
Sebastien Chenard

CEO of Quebec Sister company, Carbone Terre a Terre

Sebastien leads in the operational planning and implementation our eastern Canadian projects that are delivered through our sister company, Carbone Terre a Terre, based in Levis, Quebec. As a former innovation manager for a large Quebec agricultural cooperative, Sebastien brings passion and in depth knowledge of regenerative agriculture to the major agroforestry afforestation reforestation revegetation pilot project called ARBRE, which is focussed on converting old fields to biodiverse sugar maple orchards.