Progressive Alliances
Down To Earth Carbon
DTEC strategic approach to achieving community-driven AR objectives includes:
- integrating progressive climate friendly industrial supply chains with smallholder farmer and Indigenous rural value chains.
- securing an intensity ($ per hectare or $ per net ton of CO2e sequestered) of climate and non climate investment (including bilateral and multilateral aid) for a living laboratory of learn by doing pilots that include building relationship and co governance structures.
- integrating food security multi cropping agroforestry with regenerative agriculture cash crops.
- integrating agroforestry alley cropping to increase sustainability.
using radical transparency self verification technology to monitor enhanced results and fairness in their sharing between the partners.
- aiming to have sufficient climate benefits to cover most of the costs of new value chain integrated AR.
- aiming to have over 50% of net climate benefits go to smallholder and IP families and communities.
- learning from those who have pioneered this before us.
- securing an intensity ($ per hectare or $ per net ton of CO2e sequestered) of climate and non climate investment (including bilateral) and multilateral aid) for a living laboratory of learn-by-doing pilots that includes building relationship and co governance structures.
Down To Earth Carbon (DTEC) puts major emphasis on creating strong and ethical alliances with our community partners, starting from the early planning stages.
As a full cycle climate forest project originator, Down to Earth Carbon (DTEC) is actively working to bring on stream its first generation of forest climate pilot projects.
Zanzibar Holdings has proven its capacity to generate socially responsible climate benefits to scale.
Down To Earth Carbon (DTEC) strategic approach to achieving community-driven AR objectives.